A complete guide to continuing legal education requirements by state

Four years of undergrad. Three years of law school. Countless hours spent studying for the bar. And then — finally! — you’re a lawyer. Your legal education is complete. Right?
Not exactly. You have the option to continue your professional development — and improve the quality of your legal services — with continuing legal education (CLE) courses. If you live in certain states, that means you’re simply encouraged to complete relevant coursework that interests you.
Some jurisdictions, however, have mandatory continuing legal education (MCLE) requirements that you must meet in order to keep your law society accreditation. In states like this, you need to comply with a strict set of MCLE requirements to stay compliant.
It’s always a challenge to keep varying rules and regulations straight, and the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted even more changes that make it tougher to keep up. We’re here to help.
SimpleLegal is excited to sponsor a virtual summit on September 8th – The Evolving Legal Department – which brings together diverse, industry leaders from pre-eminent companies to discuss rapidly changing legal department landscape. Hosted by UpLevel Ops and In-House Focus, there will be panel discussions, reinforced by educational and interactive breakout sessions, for legal ops and in-house professionals at every level. The best part? The event will be offering CLE credit! Register here.
Here’s your complete guide to continuing legal education requirements, organized by state.
How COVID-19 Impacted Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Many states offer a blend of in-person and virtual CLE classes, with a cap on the number of hours attorneys can devote to classes held online or via teleconference. But because COVID-19 spurred stay-at-home orders nationwide, many state bar associations have changed their requirements so that attorneys can complete more (or all) of their CLE courses online.
On top of that, several states have extended deadlines for CLE course completion and reporting. To make things easier for you, we’ve included modifications due to COVID-19 in each state’s listing.
Continuing Legal Education Requirements by State
Click the appropriate link below to find the CLE requirements for your state.
Alabama Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Alaska Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Arizona Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Arkansas Continuing Legal Education Requirements
California Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Colorado Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Connecticut Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Delaware Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Florida Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Georgia Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Hawaii Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Idaho Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Illinois Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Indiana Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Iowa Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Kansas Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Kentucky Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Louisiana Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Maine Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Maryland Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Michigan Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Minnesota Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Mississippi Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Missouri Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Montana Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Nebraska Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Nevada Continuing Legal Education Requirements
New Hampshire Continuing Legal Education Requirements
New Jersey Continuing Legal Education Requirements
New Mexico Continuing Legal Education Requirements
New York Continuing Legal Education Requirements
North Carolina Continuing Legal Education Requirements
North Dakota Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Ohio Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Oklahoma Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Oregon Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Rhode Island Continuing Legal Education Requirements
South Carolina Continuing Legal Education Requirements
South Dakota Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Tennessee Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Texas Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Utah Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Vermont Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Virginia Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Washington Continuing Legal Education Requirements
West Virginia Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Wisconsin Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Wyoming Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Alabama Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Alabama attorneys must complete at least 12 hours of CLE each year, including one hour of legal ethics. Learn more at the Alabama State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 12
- Remote/Online Options: Yes; up to 6 hours
- Self-Study: No
- Annual Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: December 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: Alabama State Bar MCLE Commission temporarily lifted the 6-hour limit for remote study in 2020. Deadlines are back to normal for 2021.
- List of Alabama CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: The Ethics of Legal Marketing
Within their first year of admission, newly admitted Alabama attorneys must complete a three-hour professionalism course.
Alaska Continuing Legal Education Requirements
In Alaska, attorneys must complete 12 hours of CLE each year, including three hours of Mandatory Ethics Continuing Legal Education (MECLE). The Alaska Supreme Court and Bar Association encourages all attorneys to engage in voluntary CLE (VCLE) in addition to these required ethics classes. Learn more at the Alaska State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 12
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes; up to 4 hours
- Annual Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: February 1
- COVID-19 Modifications: n/a
- List of Alaska CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Common Issues in Wrongful Convictions with Innocence Project
While Alaska only requires three hours of ethics credits, the state allows attorneys who complete at least nine hours of VCLE to participate in the Alaska Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service.
Arizona Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Arizona attorneys must complete 15 CLE hours each year, including three hours of Professional Responsibility or Legal Ethics. Learn more at the Arizona State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 15
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes; up to 5 hours
- Annual Compliance Deadline: June 30
- Annual Reporting Deadline: September 15
- COVID-19 Modifications: COVID-19 modifications: Deadline for completion of necessary hours and submission of affidavit of compliance was initially extended through December 30, 2020. For 2021, the deadline is back to the original June 30 date.
- List of Arizona CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Recognizing and Addressing “Bro Culture” and Other Barriers to Gender Inclusion in the Legal Industry
Within one year of admission, newly admitted Arizona attorneys must complete a one-time CLE requirement: the Arizona State Bar’s professionalism course.
Arkansas Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Every Arkansas attorney (except an attorney or judge who has 40 years of experience as an Arkansas lawyer or who is 70 or older) must complete 12 hours of CLE each year, including one hour of ethics. Learn more at the Arkansas State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 12
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: No
- Annual Compliance Deadline: June 30
- Annual Reporting Deadline: August 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: n/a
- List of Arkansas CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Surviving an Economic Downturn: Pandemic Proof Your Small Law Firm
Arkansas attorneys receive additional CLE credit for speaking during events and courses. Solo speakers receive four CLE hours for each hour they speak, and panelists receive three CLE hours if they prepare their materials in advance.
California Continuing Legal Education Requirements
California requires active attorneys to complete 25 hours of CLE — including four hours of legal ethics, one hour of competence issues, and one hour of Recognition and Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession and Society — every three years. Learn more at the California State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 25 hours every 3 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes; up to 12.5 hours
- Compliance Deadline: Variable by Group
- Reporting Deadline: Variable by Group
- COVID-19 Modifications: California has extended the CLE deadline for attorneys in Group 3 from June 30, 2020, to September 30, 2020. Deadlines are reverted for 2021.
- List of California CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Polluting Black Space: How Racial Stereotypes Perpetuate Racial Disparities in Wealth, Health, and Environmental Pollution Exposure
Attorneys are assigned to one of three compliance groups based on the first letter of their last name. Reporting deadlines vary based on these groups.
Colorado Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Colorado attorneys must earn 45 general CLE credits, including seven legal ethics credits, during each compliance period (roughly every three years). Learn more at the Colorado Supreme Court website.
- CLE hours required: 45 hours every compliance period
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes
- Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Reporting Deadline: January 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: n/a
- List of Colorado CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Estate Planning Non-Traditional Couples
The first compliance period for a new attorney begins on the date of his or her admission to the Colorado State Bar and ends on December 31 of the third full calendar year following admission. Subsequent compliance periods begin on January 1 and end on December 31 three years later.
Connecticut Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Every year, Connecticut attorneys must complete 12 hours of CLE, including two hours of legal ethics and/or professionalism. Learn more at the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch website.
- CLE hours required: 12
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes
- Annual Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: March 10
- COVID-19 Modifications: The state of Connecticut suspended its CLE requirements for 2020. This change has been reverted in 2021.
- List of Connecticut CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Law Practice Marketing: Practical & Ethical Considerations
Connecticut attorneys can also gain CLE credit by publishing articles in legal publications, teaching legal seminars, or serving as faculty members at accredited law schools.
Delaware Continuing Legal Education Requirements
In Delaware, attorneys must complete 24 hours of CLE — including four hours of Enhanced Ethics — every two years. Learn more at the Delaware State Bar Association website.
- CLE hours required: 24 hours every 2 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 12 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 12 hours
- Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Reporting Deadline: February 1
- COVID-19 Modifications: The Delaware State Bar has waived the cap on remote/online credits for the reporting period ending December 31, 2021.
- List of Delaware CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Attorney Ethics of E-mail and Texting: Essential Do’s and Don’ts
Newly admitted Delaware attorneys must complete certain courses, including Fundamentals of Lawyer-Client Relations, and at least two of the following five courses: Fundamentals of Family Law; Fundamentals of Real Estate; Fundamentals of Civil Litigation; Fundamentals of Will Drafting and Estate Administration; and Fundamentals of Law Practice Management and Technology.
Florida Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Attorneys in Florida must complete at least 33 CLE hours every three years. At least four of these hours must be in either legal ethics, bias elimination, substance abuse, or mental illness awareness programming. One hour must be in professionalism, and three hours must be in technology. Learn more at the Florida State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 33 hours every 3 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes
- Compliance Deadline: Variable by randomly assigned reporting cycle
- Reporting Deadline: Variable by randomly assigned reporting cycle
- COVID-19 Modifications: The Florida Bar has extended deadlines for members whose reporting cycles end in February through November of 2020 to December 31, 2020. No new provisions for 2021.
- List of Florida CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: What Every Lawyer Should Know About DUI Defense in Florida
Newly admitted Florida attorneys must complete a two-phase Basic Skills Course Requirement. In Phase I, attorneys complete a Practicing with Professionalism course. In Phase II, they complete three basic Young Lawyers Division courses.
Georgia Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Georgia attorneys must complete 12 hours of CLE each year, including one hour of legal ethics and one hour of professionalism. Learn more at the Georgia State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 12
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 6 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 6 hours
- Annual Compliance Deadline December 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: January 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: The Georgia State Bar waived the hours cap on remote/online programs through May 31, 2021.
- List of Georgia CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Ethical Issues Related to Cybersecurity and Data Privacy
Newly admitted attorneys must complete the Transition into Law Practice program as part of their first-year CLE requirement.
Hawaii Continuing Legal Education Requirements
In Hawaii, active attorneys must complete at least three CLE hours each year. Every three years, they must complete at least one hour of ethics or professional responsibility programming as part of their CLE requirement. Learn more at the Hawaii State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 3
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes
- Annual Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: December 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: n/a
- List of Hawaii CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Cannabis is Legal: Why Can’t I Keep My Bank Account?
Newly admitted attorneys must complete the Hawaii Professionalism Course by December 31 of their first year of admission. This course is only offered by the Hawaii State Bar Association.
Idaho Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Idaho attorneys must complete 30 hours of CLE every three years, including three hours of Legal Ethics or Professional Responsibility. Learn more at the Idaho State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 30 hours every 3 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 15 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 15 hours
- Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Reporting Deadline: February 1
- COVID-19 Modifications: n/a
- List of Idaho CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Ethical Issues in Social Media and EDiscovery
In their first year of admission to the Idaho State Bar, attorneys must complete at least 10 approved CLE credits specifically for new attorneys, in courses including ethics, civil and criminal procedure, and community property.
Illinois Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Attorneys in Illinois must complete 30 hours of CLE every two years, including four hours of Professional Responsibility, one hour of Diversity & Inclusion, and one hour of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. Learn more at the Minimum Continuing Legal Education Board of the Supreme Court of Illinois website.
- CLE hours required: 30 hours every 2 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes
- Compliance Deadline: June 30
- Reporting Deadline: July 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: Attorneys with last names beginning with A-M, who are in the 2018-2020 reporting period, may be granted a 3-month extension to complete their credits. Rule reverted as of 2021.
- List of Illinois CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Unconscious Bias and the Legal Profession
Illinois attorneys are assigned to reporting groups based on the first letter of their last name. Attorneys with last names beginning with A-M report on even-numbered years, and attorneys with last names beginning with N-Z report on odd-numbered years.
Indiana Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Indiana attorneys must complete 36 hours of CLE every three years, with a minimum of six CLE hours completed each year. Indiana continuing legal education requirements include three hours of coursework in legal ethics or professional responsibility. Learn more at the Indiana State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 36 hours every 3 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 18 hours
- Self-study: No
- Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Reporting Deadline: December 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: The Indiana State Bar has waived the limitation on distance education indefinitely.
- List of Indiana CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: A New Path Forward: How Lawyers Can Foster Wellness and Competency
In their first reporting period, newly admitted Indiana attorneys must complete a six-hour Applied Professionalism program, which fulfills their ethics requirement.
Iowa Continuing Legal Education Requirements
In Iowa, attorneys must complete 15 CLE hours each year. Every other year, at least three CLE hours must focus on legal ethics. Learn more at the Iowa State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 15
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 6 hours
- Self-study: No
- Annual Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: March 10
- COVID-19 Modifications: The State Bar temporarily lifted its hours cap on remote/online CLE courses, but the hours cap is back to normal as of 2021.
- List of Iowa CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Jury Selection: How Social Media is Changing the Game
The Iowa State Bar is particularly committed to providing affordable CLE options. Attorneys can find a calendar of free CLE programming here.
Kansas Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Attorneys in Kansas must complete 12 hours of CLE each year, including two hours of ethics and professionalism. Learn more on the Kansas State Bar Continuing Legal Education page.
- CLE hours required: 12
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 6 hours
- Self-study: No
- Annual Compliance Deadline: June 30
- Annual Reporting Deadline: July 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: The Kansas State Bar has waived its limitation on remote/online programming through September 30, 2020. Rule reverted for 2021.
- List of Kansas CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Know Your Biases: True Stories from the Courtroom
If a Kansas attorney completes more than the required number of CLE credits per year, he or she may carry up to 10 CLE hours into the next year.
Kentucky Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Kentucky attorneys must complete 12 hours of CLE every year, including two hours of legal ethics. Learn more at the Kentucky State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 12
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes
- Annual Compliance Deadline June 30
- Annual Reporting Deadline: August 10
- COVID-19 Modifications: The Kentucky State Bar has moved the 2019-2020 compliance deadline to June 30, 2021, and the 2019-2020 reporting deadline to August 10, 2021.
- List of Kentucky CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Three Theories of the High Conflict Case
In their first year of admission, Kentucky attorneys must complete the New Lawyer Program, which is offered twice a year in conjunction with the Kentucky State Bar Association’s Annual Convention.
Louisiana Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Louisiana requires that attorneys complete 12.5 hours of CLE each year, including at least one hour of ethics and one hour of professionalism. Learn more at the Louisiana State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 12.5
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 4 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 4 hours
- Annual Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: January 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: The Louisiana State Bar has lifted its limit on remote/online options for the compliance period ending December 31, 2020. This modification no longer applies in 2021.
- List of Louisiana CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Navigating the LGBTQ Journey: Business Law, Family Law & Privacy
Newly admitted Louisiana attorneys must complete eight hours of ethics, professionalism, or law office management in their first year of admission.
Maine Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Attorneys in Maine must complete 12 CLE hours each year, including one required live hour of Professionalism and one required live hour of Recognition and Avoidance of Harassment and Discriminatory Conduct or Communication. Learn more at the Maine State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 12
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 5 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 5 hours
- Annual Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: August 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: The Maine State Bar states that some events may be canceled in 2021.
- List of Maine CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Proven Techniques To Control Difficult Witnesses
If an attorney in Maine completes more than the required 12 CLE hours in one year, he or she may carry over up to 10 hours to the next compliance period.
Maryland Continuing Legal Education Requirements
While the Maryland State Bar encourages attorneys to complete CLE courses for their own professional development, it does not currently require CLE. Attorneys can view a voluntary CLE Catalog at the Maryland State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 0
- Remote/Online options: n/a
- Self-study: n/a
- Annual due date: n/a
- COVID-19 Modifications: n/a
- List of Maryland CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Bearing Witness to Our Clients’ Trauma: Doing Our Jobs AND Taking Care of Ourselves
Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Massachusetts attorneys are not required to complete CLE. New attorneys admitted to the Massachusetts State Bar after September 2013 must, however, complete the in-person Practicing with Professionalism course within 18 months of admission. Learn more at the Massachusetts State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 0
- Remote/Online options: n/a
- Self-study: n/a
- Annual due date: n/a
- COVID-19 Modifications: n/a
- List of Massachusetts CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Achieving Real Gender Diversity in the Legal Profession
While Massachusetts does not require CLE, much of the Massachusetts Bar Association’s CLE programming is accredited and approved in most nearby states.
Michigan Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Michigan attorneys are not required to complete CLE. Learn more at the Michigan State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 0
- Remote/Online options: n/a
- Self-study: n/a
- Annual due date: n/a
- COVID-19 Modifications: n/a
- List of Michigan CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Practicing Law in a Pandemic: Remote Lawyering in the Age of COVID-19
Minnesota Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Attorneys in Minnesota must complete 45 hours of CLE every three years, including three hours of legal ethics and two hours of elimination of bias in the legal profession. Learn more at the Minnesota Board of Continuing Legal Education website.
- CLE hours required: 45 hours every 3 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 15 hours
- Self-study: No
- Compliance Deadline: June 30
- Reporting Deadline: August 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: The Minnesota State Bar has suspended its 15-hour cap on remote/online programming for Category 3 attorneys with reporting deadlines of August 31, 2020, for the July 1, 2017-June 30, 2020, reporting period.
- List of Minnesota CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Advanced Negotiation Training
Minnesota does not allow attorneys who have exceeded their CLE requirement to carry over hours from one compliance period to the next.
Mississippi Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Mississippi attorneys must complete 12 hours of CLE each year, including one hour of legal ethics. Learn more at the State of Mississippi Judiciary website.
- CLE hours required: 12
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 6 hours
- Self-study: No
- Annual Compliance Deadline: July 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: August 15
- COVID-19 Modifications: The Mississippi State Bar has waived its in-person meeting requirement in 2020 and extended its CLE deadlines. The compliance and reporting deadlines have been extended to September 30, 2020, and October 15, 2020, respectively.
- List of Mississippi CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: 12-Hour Recent Developments in Mississippi Law
Newly admitted attorneys must complete a New Lawyer Program. This program, which is approved by the Mississippi Commission on Continuing Legal Education, includes six hours of basic skills training and six hours of ethics/professionalism programming.
Missouri Continuing Legal Education Requirements
In Missouri, attorneys must complete 15 hours of CLE each year, including two hours of legal ethics, malpractice, or professionalism and one hour of elimination of bias training. Learn more at the Missouri State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 15
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 6 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 6 hours
- Annual Compliance Deadline: June 30
- Annual Reporting Deadline: July 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: The Missouri State Bar has extended its compliance and reporting deadlines to September 30, 2020, and October 31, 2020, respectively.
- List of Missouri CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: 2021 A Higher Bar: Meeting Client Expectations Post-2020
Missouri attorneys must complete the annual ethics and elimination of bias courses in person. Newly admitted attorneys are exempt from the 15-hour CLE requirement in the year they are admitted to the bar. Instead, new attorneys must complete two hours of programming in professionalism, substance abuse and mental health, legal or judicial ethics, or malpractice prevention within one year of admission.
Montana Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Attorneys in Montana must complete 15 hours of CLE each year, including two hours of legal ethics. Learn more at the Montana State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 15
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 5 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 5 hours
- Annual Compliance Deadline: March 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: April 1
- COVID-19 Modifications: n/a
- List of Montana CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Technology, Ethics and Your Practice
Montana attorneys who exceed their CLE requirement may carry up to 30 hours of “live, interactive” credit hours into the next two reporting years. Recorded, online CLE credits are not eligible to carry over.
Nebraska Continuing Legal Education Requirements
In Nebraska, attorneys must complete 10 hours of CLE each year, including two hours of professional responsibility. Learn more at the Nebraska State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 10
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 5 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 5 hours
- Annual Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: January 20
- COVID-19 Modifications: The Nebraska State Bar suspended its in-person requirement for CLE courses for 2020.
- List of Nebraska CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Ethic Traps for the Unwary
Nebraska attorneys may carry up to five hours of in-person credits for general CLE courses into the next compliance period. They may not carry over credit hours for remote/online classes and professional responsibility courses.
Nevada Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Nevada attorneys must complete 13 hours of CLE each year. Nevada continuing legal education requirements include two hours of ethics and one hour of substance abuse programming. Learn more at the Nevada State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 13
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes
- Annual Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: December 31 (January 1 with $100 extension fee)
- COVID-19 Modifications: n/a
- List of Nevada CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: The Impaired Lawyer: A Call for Action
Newly admitted Nevada attorneys do not have to fulfill CLE requirements for the remainder of the calendar year of their admission or the subsequent calendar year. Instead, they must participate in the Nevada State Bar’s “Transitioning into Practice” mentoring program.
New Hampshire Continuing Legal Education Requirements
New Hampshire attorneys must complete 12 hours of CLE each year, including two hours of legal ethics, professionalism or the prevention of malpractice, substance abuse, or attorney-client disputes. Learn more at the New Hampshire State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 12
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes; up to 6 hours
- Annual Compliance Deadline: June 30
- Annual Reporting Deadline: June 30
- COVID-19 Modifications: An attorney who fails to file a certificate of CLE compliance on or before July 1, 2020, will receive an automatic extension to September 1, 2020, without penalty.
- List of New Hampshire CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth
Newly admitted New Hampshire attorneys must complete a practical skills course presented by the New Hampshire Bar Association.
New Jersey Continuing Legal Education Requirements
New Jersey attorneys must complete 24 hours of CLE — including four hours of legal ethics — every two years. Learn more at the New Jersey State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 24 hours every 2 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 12 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 12 hours
- Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Reporting Deadline: December 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: The New Jersey State Bar has waived the 12-hour cap on remote/online programming for 2020.
- List of New Jersey CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: A New Path Forward: How Lawyers Can Foster Wellness and Competency
In their first compliance period, newly admitted New Jersey attorneys must take 15 of their 24 required CLE credits in five of the following nine subject areas: NJ basic estate administration, NJ basic estate planning, NJ civil or criminal trial preparation, NJ family law practice, NJ real estate closing procedures, NJ trust and business accounting, NJ landlord/tenant practice, NJ municipal court practice, and NJ law office management.
New Mexico Continuing Legal Education Requirements
In New Mexico, attorneys must complete 12 hours of CLE each year, including two hours of legal ethics. Learn more at the New Mexico State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 12
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 4 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 4 hours
- Annual Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: May 1
- COVID-19 Modifications: N/A
- List of New Mexico CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: 20 Ethical Do’s and Don’ts For Every Attorney
New Mexico attorneys should note that “live” courses are not necessarily held in-person. Live webcasts and teleconferences are also considered “live.”
New York Continuing Legal Education Requirements
New York attorneys must complete 24 CLE hours — including four hours of Ethics and Professionalism and one hour of Diversity, Inclusion, and Elimination of Bias — every two years. Learn more at the New York State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 24 hours every 2 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Not without permission from the CLE Board
- Compliance Deadline: Attorney’s birthdate
- Reporting Deadline: 30 days after the attorney’s birthdate
- COVID-19 Modifications: N/A
- List of New York CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Workers’ Compensation: Understanding And Avoiding Pitfalls Of Using A Remote Workforce
In their first two-year reporting period, newly admitted New York attorneys must complete 16 CLE hours per year in the following areas: Ethics and Professionalism (3 hours); Skills (6 hours); Law Practice Management and/or Areas of Professional Practice (7 hours).
North Carolina Continuing Legal Education Requirements
In North Carolina, attorneys must complete 12 hours of CLE, including two hours of legal ethics and one hour of technology, each year. Additionally, attorneys must complete one hour of substance abuse programming every three years. Learn more at the North Carolina State Bar Continuing Legal Education website.
- CLE hours required: 12
- Remote/Online options: Yes – up to 12 hours
- Self-study: No
- Annual Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: February 28
- COVID-19 Modifications: N/A
- List of North Carolina CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: The Basics of Workers’ Compensation (2021 Workers’ Compensation Fall Program)
Newly admitted North Carolina attorneys must complete the Professionalism for New Attorneys program.
North Dakota Continuing Legal Education Requirements
North Dakota attorneys must complete 45 hours of CLE every three years, including three hours of legal ethics. Learn more at the North Dakota State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 45 hours every 3 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 15 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 15 hours
- Compliance Deadline: June 30
- Reporting deadline: July 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: North Dakota attorneys due to report in 2020 may earn all of their CLE credits through remote/online programming.
- List of North Dakota CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Free Ethics Webinar: Cognitive, Implicit Biases & Decisionmaking for Legal Professionals
North Dakota attorneys who have exceeded their CLE requirement may carry over up to 15 hours of general credit to the next compliance period. Ethics credits are not eligible to carry over.
Ohio Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Attorneys in Ohio must complete 24 hours of CLE, including 2.5 hours of professional conduct, every two years. Learn more at the Ohio State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 24 hours every 2 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 12 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 12 hours
- Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Reporting Deadline: December 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: Ohio attorneys may now complete all CLE requirements through approved self-study courses for the compliance period ending December 31, 2020
- List of Ohio CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Supreme Court of Ohio Civil Case Update
Ohio attorneys are sorted into compliance groups based on the first letter of their last names. Attorneys with last names beginning with A-L report by December 31 of odd-numbered years. Attorneys with last names beginning with M-Z report by December 31 of even-numbered years.
Oklahoma Continuing Legal Education Requirements
In Oklahoma, attorneys must complete 12 hours of CLE each year, including two hours of legal ethics. Learn more at the Oklahoma Mandatory Legal Education Commission website.
- CLE hours required: 12
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes
- Annual Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: February 15
- COVID-19 Modifications: n/a
- List of Oklahoma CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Privacy Law, Issues and Trends
Oklahoma attorneys can earn credit from studying online downloadable audio programs and online recorded CLE programs offered on-demand.
Oregon Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Oregon attorneys must complete 45 hours of CLE — including five hours of legal ethics, one hour of child abuse and elder abuse reporting, and one hour of substance abuse — every three years. Learn more at the Oregon State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 45 hours every 3 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes
- Compliance Deadline: April 30
- Reporting Deadline: May 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: n/a
- List of Oregon CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Remote Law Practice During a Pandemic Series: Free and Low-Cost Tools for Your Remote Law Practice
Oregon has specific requirements for the type of credit attorneys must earn, based on their reporting cycles. Oregon attorneys can find more information regarding their required credit types at their Oregon State Bar Member Dashboard.
Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Requirements
In Pennsylvania, attorneys must complete 12 hours of CLE each year, including two hours of legal ethics or substance abuse programming. Learn more at the Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education website.
- CLE hours required: 12
- Remote/Online options: Yes- up to 6 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 6 hours
- Annual Compliance Deadline: Variable by compliance group
- Annual Reporting Deadline: Variable by compliance group
- COVID-19 Modifications: The Pennsylvania State Bar is waiving its 6-hour limit on remote/online CLE credits for all 2021 compliance deadlines. Attorneys in Group 1 (compliance deadline April 30, 2021) have been granted an automatic extension through August 31, 2021.
- List of Pennsylvania CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: 10 IP Questions for Every Business
Pennsylvania attorneys are assigned to one of three compliance groups, which have different compliance and reporting deadlines. Newly admitted attorneys must complete the Bridge the Gap program in their first compliance period.
Rhode Island Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Rhode Island attorneys must complete 10 hours of CLE each year, including two hours of legal ethics. Learn more at the Rhode Island Judiciary website.
- CLE hours required: 10
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 6 hours
- Self-study: No
- Annual Compliance Deadline: June 30
- Annual Reporting Deadline: June 30
- COVID-19 Modifications: N/A
- List of Rhode Island CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Determining Conflicts of Interest
Attorneys who have already completed CLE credits in 2020 may carry those credits into 2021.
South Carolina Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Attorneys in South Carolina must complete 14 hours of CLE each year, including two hours of legal ethics. Additionally, attorneys must complete at least one hour of substance abuse programming every other year.
- CLE hours required: 14
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: No
- Annual Compliance Deadline: February 28
- Annual Reporting Deadline: March 1
- COVID-19 Modifications: In 2020, attorneys may earn all of their CLE credits via remote/online programming.
- List of South Carolina CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Transactional/Corporate Practice
South Carolina attorneys who have exceeded their CLE requirement may carry over up to 14 live credit hours to the next compliance period.
South Dakota Continuing Legal Education Requirements
South Dakota does not require attorneys to complete CLE. Learn more at the South Dakota State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 0
- Remote/Online options: n/a
- Self-study: n/a
- Annual due date: n/a
- COVID-19 Modifications: n/a
- List of South Dakota CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: A New Path Forward: How Lawyers Can Foster Wellness and Competency
Tennessee Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Attorneys in Tennessee must complete 15 hours of CLE each year, including three hours of ethics/professionalism. Learn more at the Tennessee Bar Association website.
- CLE hours required: 15
- Remote/Online options: Yes- up to 15 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 8 hours
- Annual Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: March 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: Attorneys may complete all of their CLE credits via remote/online programming in 2020.
- List of Tennessee CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: A 2021 Guide to Persuasive Legal Writing
Tennessee attorneys who exceed their CLE requirement may carry up to one full year of credits (e.g., 12 hours of general CLE and three hours of ethics/professionalism) into the next year.
Texas Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Texas attorneys must complete 15 hours of CLE, including three hours of legal ethics. Learn more at the Texas State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 15
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes; up to 3 hours
- Annual Compliance Deadline: Last day of month preceding birth month
- Annual Reporting Deadline: Last day of birth month
- COVID-19 Modifications: The Texas State Bar has extended CLE compliance deadlines. Attorneys with birth months in April are granted a 60-day extension with a final deadline of June 30. May birth month – granted a 60-day extension with a final deadline of July 31. June birth month – granted a 60-day extension with a final deadline of August 31, 2021.
- List of Texas CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Threats to Privacy Rights: The Chilling Effects of Online Surveillance
Newly admitted Texas attorneys must also complete “A Guide to the Basics of Law Practice,” a course offered by the Texas Center for Legal Ethic.
Utah Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Attorneys in Utah must complete 24 hours of CLE every two years, including three hours of legal ethics. At least one of these legal ethics courses must relate to professionalism and civility. Learn more at the Utah State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 24 hours every 2 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 12 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 12 hours
- Compliance Deadline: June 30
- Reporting Deadline: July 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: The Utah State Bar has suspended all requirements for live, in-person attendance to fulfill CLE requirements in 2020.
- List of Utah CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Cybersecurity Compliance Strategies for Attorneys
Within their first two years of admission, newly admitted Utah attorneys must complete the New Lawyer Training Program, the New Lawyer Ethics Program, and at least 12 hours of general CLE credits.
Vermont Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Vermont attorneys must complete 24 hours of CLE — including two hours of legal ethics, one hour of diversity and inclusion, and one hour of attorney wellness — every two years. Learn more at the Vermont Judiciary website.
- CLE hours required: 24 hours every 2 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 6 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 10 hours
- Compliance Deadline: June 30
- Reporting Deadline: June 30
- COVID-19 Modifications: N/A
- List of Vermont CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Bias in the Courtroom
Vermont attorneys who have exceeded their CLE requirements may carry any excess hours into the next reporting period.
Virginia Continuing Legal Education Requirements
In Virginia, attorneys must complete 12 hours of CLE each year, including two hours of legal ethics. Learn more at the Virginia State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 12
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 8 hours
- Self-study: No
- Annual Compliance Deadline: October 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: December 15
- COVID-19 Modifications: N/A
- List of Virginia CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: How Federal Benefits Impact Employment Litigation
Within 12 months of admission, newly admitted Virginia attorneys must complete the Harry L. Carrico Professionalism Course, which is offered by the Virginia State Bar.
Washington Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Washington attorneys must complete 45 hours of CLE — including at least six hours of legal ethics and 15 hours of law and legal procedures — every three years. Learn more at the Washington State Bar Association website.
- CLE hours required: 45 hours every 3 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes
- Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Reporting Deadline: February 1
- COVID-19 Modifications: 15 carryover credits allowed for the 2022-2023 reporting period.
- List of Washington CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Income Tax and Elder Law
In addition to attorneys, Limited License Legal Technicians (LLLTs) and Limited Practice Officers (LPOs) must also fulfill CLE requirements. LLLTs and LPOs must complete 30 hours of CLE every three years.
West Virginia Continuing Legal Education Requirements
In West Virginia, attorneys must complete 24 hours of CLE every two years, including three hours of legal ethics, law office management, substance abuse, and/or elimination of bias. Learn more at the West Virginia State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 24 hours every 2 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 12 hours
- Self-study: Yes; up to 12 hours
- Annual Compliance Deadline: June 30
- Annual Reporting Deadline: July 31
- COVID-19 Modifications: The West Virginia State Bar suspended its in-person CLE requirement through June 30, 2022.
- List of West Virginia CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Coronavirus: Mental Health and Substance Abuse Considerations
Within 24 months of admission, newly admitted West Virginia attorneys must complete the Bridge the Gap program offered by the West Virginia State Bar.
Wisconsin Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Attorneys in Wisconsin must complete 30 hours of CLE every two years, including three hours of legal ethics. Learn more at the Wisconsin State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 30 hours every 2 years
- Remote/Online options: Yes; up to 10 hours
- Self-study: No
- Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Reporting Deadline: February 1
- COVID-19 Modifications: N/A
- List of Wisconsin CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Treaty Rights, Environmental Regulation, and Taxation in Indian Country AMC 2021
Wisconsin attorneys who have exceeded their CLE requirement may carry up to 15 hours of general CLE into the next reporting cycle. Ethics credits are not eligible to be carried over.
Wyoming Continuing Legal Education Requirements
Wyoming attorneys must complete 15 hours of CLE each year, including two hours of legal ethics. Learn more at the Wyoming State Bar website.
- CLE hours required: 15
- Remote/Online options: Yes
- Self-study: Yes; up to 8 hours
- Annual Compliance Deadline: December 31
- Annual Reporting Deadline: January 15
- COVID-19 Modifications: n/a
- List of Wyoming CLE classes
CLE class recommendation: Understanding Competency: Working With Clients and Mental Health Experts to Ensure Reliable Assessments
Wyoming considers live webinars and live-streamed remote programming to be “live.” Attorneys do not have to complete any CLE requirements in-person.
Continuing Legal Education in 2020
The practice of law is fluid. It lives and breathes, changing with time, advances in technology, and the passage of new laws and regulations. Thus, a practicing attorney is never done learning, and CLE requirements help keep lawyers up to date.
In 2021, continuing your legal education may look a little different from what it has in years past. Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, multiple states have modified their rules and lengthened their deadlines, all in service of keeping attorneys safe as well as educated.
We wish you luck (and extended deadlines!) on your CLE journey this year.
This article has been updated to reflect new information and industry trends from the original article, published on September 1, 2020.